Shonar Meye – Jana Sanskriti (India)

The play addresses the strong challenges that girls face in India, when born and raised in a rural area. Therefore, the performance focus on the life of a girl, from her childhood to her adulthood and addresses many obstacles faced by her and her fight for survival.

Shonar Meye was a result of 5 years of intensive work in remote areas of the Sunderbans. The director’s first hand experience of living with agricultural workers gave him an insight on the different aspects of their struggle for survival. The plight of women was a special area of concern. At this time he conducted theatre workshops with many groups of villagers. It was at these workshops that the play Shonar Meye was written – from the experiences shared by these people, their dilemmas, their oppressions and their daily challenges.

The play is about the life of a girl – as a child, her journey into adulthood and her struggle with the challenges that lie in wait for her. Though it was written about almost 15 years ago, the universality of the theme – status of women – makes it an extremely relevant play even today. Performed in the round, with the innovative use of sticks and almost no other props and a liberal use of folk forms of Bengal, Orissa and Jharkhand – Shonar Meye is an aesthetically pleasing and ideologically hard-hitting play.

The play is in Bangla. However, our experience of performing in other parts of India and abroad tells us that language does not act as a barrier.

Date, time and cost

Tuesday 15th December 2015
Time: 20.00 uur
Tickets: € 10,00


Islemunda, podium van IJsselmonde
Herenwaard 17
3078 AK Rotterdam


Available via Islemunda

Jana Sanskriti is in the Netherlands at the invitation of Formaat for the Theatre of the Oppressed Festival in Rotterdam from 13th to 18th of December. During this festival there are several workshops and interactive performances with groups from India, Mozambique, the Netherlands, Israel and Palestine.
If you join the Festival with a (day) pas, a ticket for the performance is included. Please take a look in our program to get more detailed information!